I am still here...and I am still running. :) I'm actually running quite a bit and it feels really good. We've been blessed with a mild winter, so most of my runs are outside runs, which makes me smile. I am not a fan of the dreadmill, but can do miles on it in a pinch.
I've changed up my race schedule a bit. A house of sickies and not wanting to travel for a race led me to drop the valentine's race. My next one is the Salem Olde Salem Greene cross country race. I've been doing some hills to prepare. February and March are quieter than I remember as far as races go. I have one for March and the it picks up in April. I'm been out of the road race loop for awhile. I do have a master list of about 15 races coming up. I'll post the next 7 races soon. I love seeing all of the races on paper...talk about motivation to train!!