Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Race Awards :)

One unexpected bonus of running all of these races is that I ran many I probably would never had considered.  I am a creature of habit.  :0  Who knew that some of these races would become some of my new favorites!  So I started thinking about each one and came up with some race awards.

Best Reason Not to have Too Rockin' of a New Year's Eve~  The Frosty Four

My First Ever Trail Run~  The Snowshoe(less) Classic

"The Hell Race"~   Olde Salem Greene Cross Country Race 
(This one is like childbirth.  You forget how bad it really is over time.)

Most Fun I've Had Running in a Noreaster Along the Ocean~  Ring Around the Neck 
Tied for Best Race Shirt~  Fast Chicks 5K and Ricey's Run

 Best Ending~  Patrick Downey 5K (aka all downhill!!)

 Prettiest Route~ Tri-ROK 5K

 Toughest Race to Complete~ Melody Miles

 Most Inspiring Race~   North Shore Cancer Run

Race shirt swag

A little more swag

Nine of my numbers.  I lost one.  ;)

In the meantime I am collecting some last minute cash and will let you know how much I've collected.  A Grand Total is coming soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I have heard horror stories about that Olde Salem Greene Race ;) LOVE that Fast Chick Shirt!
